I may be a tad younger than you but have always been in client services. Delivery means providing the highest standard of care we can for the clients presenting & underlying problems.

Sales is an opportunity to solve that.

Impact, I like the idea of, because it focuses on client success, which is what we're in the business of / should be in the business of.

Relationships, don't seem to replace sales, they are underlying sales & delivery / impact. Changing sales to relationships reminders me of your write-up about friends vs buyers. We can have helpful relationships with all kinds of people but that doesn't mean they want to pay us to deliver something or provide an impact.

I'm also curious if you've read The Challenger Sale and what your thoughts are on that book.


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AnonymousJul 2, 2021

Hi Walt. Great article!

The book SPIN Selling by The Huthwaite Corporation is a must read for anyone in professional services who is, or will be, “developing new business” with existing clients or prospective new clients. It is quantitative and qualitative based on over a 10 year timeframe and over $1 Million dollars tracking the highest performers on a global basis to root out the key behaviors of the highest performing sales professionals. Many sales systems out there have copied their system with minor changes to avoid copyright and trademark infringement. But SPIN Selling is The Holy Grail.

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